Become a RESILO Practitioner
RESILO therapy is not some esoteric, difficult, complex procedure to understand and develop – yet it is highly effective. It certainly requires a significant degree of study and training but within a relatively short time you will be able to bring the benefits of RESILO to others. You can make a living through being a RESILO practitioner and training costs are not extortionately high.
RESILO training is delivered in three levels:
Learn the fundamentals of RESILO and how to help your friends and family with RESILO therapy.
Hours: 9:00am-5:30pm (Including breaks + lunch – 7.5 Hrs)
Theory: Brief history, basic technical theory.
Practical: Full body sequence for minor soft tissue injury.
Student Practical: On the last day we run a Student Clinic where you will be testing your knowledge and ability on 5 members of the public. If possible, invite your own people. (18+). Throughout the Course you will be twinned with different partners to prepare you for the Student Practical.
“After completing the Level 1 course it is great that I can achieve amazing results which mean great relief to my daughter who has a muscular condition!” – L. M.
“I’ve thoroughly enjoyed learning about Resilo Therapy and more so putting it into practice. It’s given me a better understanding of how the body releases tension. Working on different clients has showed me how different everybody releases. Thank you.” – S. I.
Prerequisite: Resilo Level 1 Basic Course
Time: x3 Weekend (40 contact hours)
Yearly Professional Licence: 1st Year Licence Included
Deliver to: Own Clients / Resilo Clients
Hours: 9:00am-5:30pm (Including breaks + lunch – 7.5 Hrs)
Theory: History, technical theory.
Practical: Full body sequence for injury.
Student Practical: On the last day we run a Student Clinic where you will be testing your knowledge and ability on 10 members of the public. If possible, invite your own people (18+) Throughout the Course you will be twinned with different partners to prepare you for the Student Practical.
“I initially attended the Resilo clinic for my own injuries – effects left after a road traffic accident. Knowing first hand that it works, I then attended Resilo college and did level 1 & 2 and additional CPD Hours. I enjoyed the courses and I use Resilo on clients. They can also see that it works.” – L. P. Osteopath
“I was always looking for a technique – one that would help straight away.” – E. H.
To be announced.